If YOU'RE new here, YOU may want to take a look at our menu.
Special Memorial Day Weekend Offer...
GET The Halsey Street Grill New "Crack And Snap"
Special Promotional Crab Deal ONLY $10.00 !!!
Let me tell you though...
Don't feel like coming out...
Don't Miss Out
Special Memorial Day Weekend Offer...
GET The Halsey Street Grill New "Crack And Snap"
Special Promotional Crab Deal ONLY $10.00 !!!
"But wait, this is just the tip of the iceberg..."
We have open our back patio for YOU to sit down and enjoy YOUR meals.
Let me tell you though...
"This is NOT for the masses..."
Dead serious here...
"Only 20 people will be able to be seated".
It's a VERY intimate setting.
Great space to relax and have a dinner date, to meet up with friends after work or just
Enjoy good "homestyle cooked meals"
Enjoy good "homestyle cooked meals"
Also, this is first come first served...
"We apologize in advance..."
Once YOU get here, if there is no seating room in the patio or we are SOLD OUT of the "Crack And Snap" Crab Special Deal, we're sorry you didn't make it in time.
Don't Miss Out

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