
Let's Talk Soul Food Recipes!

Since the article in the New York Daily News about Halsey Street Grill people have inquired more about our restaurant soul food recipes. YOU don't really think we going to share our secrets...


However, if YOU are looking for trusted baked, bbq chicken or fried chicken recipes I recommend the following cook books:

* Traditional Southern Cooking

* Delicious Bake Chicken Cookbook Recipes

* Chicken Wing Cookbook Recipes

* Savory BBQ Chicken

* Smoke Ribs, Steaks and Chicken

* How To Grill Ribs, Steaks and Chicken

* Secrets Of The Grill

This Stainless Steel Deep Fryer is similar to the one we originally started cooking with in the grill when we first open.

Looking for tasty Turkey Wings?

Try This...

* Turkey Wing Rub

If YOU'RE not tapping into the hottest trends in spices - think anise, fennel pollen, turmeric, sumac, smoked serrano chili powder, smoked paprika, and epazote from Mexico - then YOU'RE missing out on a lot of flavor.

BUY a Soul Food Recipe Cookbook today learn how to incorporate these exotic flavors into everyday meals.

Do YOU Have A Kindle  Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology To Read YOUR Favorite Soul Food Recipes?

If YOU don't know who we are or where we are located we are the soul food restaurant at Tompkins Ave. and Halsey Street in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn, New York.

Don't forget to "Like" us on our Halsey Street Grill Facebook Page!

Let's Talk Soul Food Recipes! Brought To YOU BY Halsey Street Grill


Cajun Catfish Dinner

Order Halsey Street Grill Cajun Catfish Dinner

Halsey Street Grill Cajun Catfish Dinner Is...

Highly Recommended


Order Online Now!


Celebrating With Vincent's Original Italian Sauce

The Original Vincent's Sauce MEDIUM Flavor 16ozSometimes we serve pasta at Halsey Street Grill...

Pasta Salad, Ziti or Lasagna.

Tonite I am cooking a special dinner to celebrate our New York Daily News Media Coverage.

I can't wait to wrap my tongue around the dinner I am cooking tonite.

Finding Vincent's original sauce online at Amazon recently for a reasonable price was a nice surprise for me. My favorite is the medium, it's hot but not "on fire" hot. I've decided to share it with YOU. If you've ever had Vincent's sauce at their world famous restaurant in NYC then YOU know that nothing can compare. Order YOURS Online Today From

Try It.

Vincent's orginal sauce will give YOUR Italian cooked food zest.

Great variety, unique everyday pasta recipes.

We appreciate YOUR support!


What is your favorite type of food or recipe? 

Leave YOUR comment below and let me know what YOU think.

Celebrating With Vincent's Original Italian Sauce Brought To YOU BY Halsey Street Grill